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Potter Re-Elected to Cities League

Carmel Pine Cone

October 24, 2024

“In Long Beach last Thursday, Carmel Mayor Dave Potter was reelected as a state director for the Monterey Bay Division of the League of California Cities during the organization's annual conference...."



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Our endorsements in local, state and national elections.

The Monterey County Weekly

October 10, 2024

“Potter knows city, county and statewide policies like the back of his hand. He has relationships up and down the government food chain....."



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This U.S. Beach Has the Whitest Sand in the Nation — and No, It's Not in Hawaii or Florida

Travel and Leisure

September 19, 2024

“Situated along the Golden State’s Central Coast, Carmel Beach is an iconic and endlessly photogenic strip of pearly white shoreline...."



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Community celebrates Ken White Day

Carmel Pine Cone

September 13, 2024

“At the party, Mayor Dave Poter read a proclamation honoring White for his decades of service to the community and the city..."



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Potter Secures Spot on Ballot

Carmel Pine Cone

August 9, 2024

“A veritable who's who of Carmelites signed incumbent Mayor Dave Potter's nomination papers, which he returned to city clerk Monday and had certified by the Monterey County Elections department that same day..."



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Residents group, chamber to host mayoral, council candidates forums

Carmel Pine Cone

August 9, 2024

“With three candidates for mayor and four people (so far) vying for two city council seats, the Carmel Residents Association will host its 18th Candidates Forum with contenders..."



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Letter to the Editor: 'Likes Potter'

Carmel Pine Cone

July 19, 2024

“Dave Potter has local government expertise no other candidate can come close to. Dave is sensitive to the culture of preservation that is dearly important to Carmel-ites."



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After Two-Month Wait, Post Office Lobby Reopens

Carmel Pine Cone

July 3, 2024

“Nine weeks after an elderly Pebble Beach woman crashed her car into the front of the Fifth Avenue post office - causing so much damage that part of the building was declared unsafe..."



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Letter to the Editor: Potter 'professional, curteous'

Carmel Pine Cone

June 28, 2024

“Since 2018, Dave has been incredibly professional, courteous, classy, and
kind in his position as Mayor."



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Famous French Bulldog Awarded First ‘Bone to the City’ in Carmel, California


June 19, 2024

“Dave Potter, the Mayor of Carmel, did the honors and presented the bone to Walter in front of a small crowd outside of City Hall."



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Letter to the Editor: 'Mayor's Race"

Carmel Pine Cone

June 7, 2024

“The choice is clear: Dave Potter...Carmel deserves a leader with both strong experience and proven dedication to enhancing our city's charm and functionality."



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Speakers: Democracy Is Not Broken

Carmel Pine Cone

May 17, 2024

“'One of the things I’m proud of is this is a community that doesn’t always get along, but we disagree with dignity and respect,' Potter said."



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2 Days in Carmel-by-the-Sea

See Monterey

January 24, 2024

"Though Monterey County’s smallest village, Carmel-by-the-Sea packs a punch with fun activities and attractions all within a one-square-mile radius."



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Why Carmel-by-the-Sea Is the West Coast Destination of the Moment


September 21, 2023

"With three new boutique hotels, a new Michelin-star restaurant, and younger, jet-setting residents, Carmel-by-the-Sea, California, is poised to usher in travelers during its sunniest season—in the fall."



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Carmel Residents Association Survey Results

CRA Newsletter

September 4, 2023

"The Carmel Residents Association has preliminary findings from our Survey of "16 Hot Topics" in our Village. 132 of 710 email member contacts responded (18.6%)..."



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Carmel-by-the-Sea's September fun is looking just beachy


August 31, 2023

"It's just not possible, considering that the Pacific-snug hamlet is home to one of the best-known stretches of soft sand in all of the Golden State.""



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Love Carmel Like a Local

See Monterey

March 7, 2023

" The Love Carmel program includes educating our visitors on the ways they can make a difference, highlighting “Know Before You Go” information and “Voluntourism” opportunities."



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Sandcastle builders compete for golden shovel in Carmel


September 17, 2022

"Entrants in the 2022 Carmel Beach Sandcastle Contest were working hard Saturday morning in the hopes of taking home the coveted Golden Shovel Award."



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Four to run for council, Potter unopposed

Carmel Pine Cone

August 19, 2022

"For the first time in his lengthy political career, Mayor Dave Potter is running unopposed for office, so he can take campaign season off this year."



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If it has to do with hospitality and tourism, Janine Chicourrat can be found leading the way.

Monterey County Weekly

July 7, 2022

"In June, the managing director of Monterey’s Portola Hotel & Spa was honored as one of the 100 Women of Influence by the Silicon Valley Business Journal."



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Carmel-by-the-Sea nominated for several USA Today "Best Small Town" awards


May 9, 2022

"USA Today is holding a readers' choice award where people can vote for the best small towns in multiple categories. Carmel-by-the-Sea has been nominated for three separate awards."



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Potter announced reelection bid

Carmel Pine Cone

April 15, 2022

"The election for mayor and two city councilmembers is nearly seven months away, but Mayor Dave Potter announced at a Rotary meeting this week that he's planning on running again..."



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Carmel residents step up to provide support for people of Ukraine


March 7, 2022

"On Sunday, a small group of locals in Carmel held a fundraiser to help people in Ukraine, as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues to displace civilians...."



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As COVID-19 persists, Mayor Potter hopes for civil debate among Carmel residents

The Sand Piper

February 3, 2022

"From handling COVID-19 and parklets to dealing with the new state mandate for housing in the city, Carmel-by-the-Sea Mayor Dave Potter has been kept busy throughout the pandemic, but his priority remains handling disagreements in the community..."


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Exploring Carmel-by-the-Sea


November 29, 2021

"If you are thinking it might be time for a quick getaway, one of California’s favorite beach cities is only a short drive away.Take advantage of what’s in our backyard, which is easier said than done, but Carmel-by-the-Sea offers a relaxing escape that’s hard to replicate so close to home..."


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The Best Cities in the U.S.: 2021 Readers' Choice Awards

Conde Nast

October 6, 2021

"A drive along scenic Highway 1 is a must-do when visiting the area, as is putting your feet in the soft white sand of Carmel Beach. The area’s vibrant wine scene means there’s no shortage of tasting rooms in town, along with top-notch cuisine."


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Explore Pet-Friendly Monterey County

See Monterey

August 25, 2021

"Is there a more quintessential pet-friendly experience in Monterey County than the sight of the joy on your dog's face as they run free along the powdery sands of Carmel Beach? For the days you just want to lay out on the sand in the sun with your best friend, enjoy a beach picnic or a leisurely sunset stroll."


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Concours on the Avenue floods Carmel with hundreds of cars


August 11, 2021

"This week really lets everybody know what a special place this is," said Carmel Mayor Dave Potter. "The excitement, the buzz is back in town. It's great to have the Carmel spirit invigorated."


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Carmel proclaims itself an inclusive city in response to a Confederate flag

Monterey Weekly

July 8, 2021

"When a Confederate flag popped up in the tiny town of Carmel-by-the-Sea in late May, residents could have grumbled and griped about the symbol of hate among themselves. One resident spoke up, and on Tuesday, July 5, the Carmel City Council affirmed her voice with an official proclamation."


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7 Best Small Towns on the West Coast for Wine Tasting and Beautiful Views

Travel & Leisure

April 18, 2021

"It doesn't get more charming than Carmel-by-the-Sea, a seaside town with a rich history and bustling arts scene. Spend the morning walking the Scenic Bluff Path along the coast, before surfing and lounging on the pristine Carmel Beach."


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Carmel: A Very Passionate City

Happy Life

March 1, 2021

"First a bit of historical review for our readers: the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea has remained steady at 4,000.  Carmel was first incorporated as a city in 1916."


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Carmel Chamber of Commerce State of the City and County

Carmel Chamber of Commerce

February 5, 2021

“State of the City & County” hosted by the Carmel Chamber of Commerce was an impactful event that tended to the heightened worries of the community of Monterey Bay as the local businesses begin to bounce back from the economic and social impact of the ongoing pandemic.


View the recording here.

Transportation Agency for Monterey County celebrates Salinas train station improvements

The Monterey Herald

January 14, 2021

Celebrating the improvements of the $11.2 million Intermodal Transportation Center at the Salinas train station, the Transportation Agency for Monterey County will host a virtual ribbon-cutting on Friday, part of Phase I of the Monterey County Rail Extension project.


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Potter, Ferlito, Richards sworn in

Carmel Pine Cone

December 4, 2020

Outgoing councilwoman Jan Reimers attended her final meeting Thursday as the reelected Mayor Dave Potter and councilman Bobby Richards and newly elected councilwoman Karen Ferlito took their oaths of office, agreeing to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic," to "bear true faith and allegiance" to them, and to "well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter."


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Election results certified, swearing in to be virtual

Carmel Pine Cone

November 27, 2020

With Coronavirus spreading rapidly in Monterey County, city administrator Chip Rerig announced Friday that a planned swearing-in of incumbents Mayor Dave Potter and councilman Bobby Richards and new city councilwoman Karen Ferlito set to take place in Forest Theater will now be done virtually, instead.


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Potter re-elected; Richards, Ferlito on council

Carmel Pine Cone

November 5, 2020

Incumbent Mayor Dave Potter won in a decisive victory over challenger Judy Refuerzo in the Nov. 3 election, while incumbent councilman Bobby Richards and newcomer Karen Ferlito beat challengers Graeme Robertson and Mo Massoudi.


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Central Coast 2020 general election results


November 4, 2020


Central Coast 2020 general elections results


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Carmel mayor wins handily, two council seats filled

The Monterey Herald

November 4, 2020


CARMEL — Carmel Mayor Dave Potter breezed to reelection by a huge margin while an incumbent and long-time volunteer won election to the town’s city council.


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Potter keeps his mayor's job in Carmel; Ferlito and Richards lead in council race.

Monterey County Weekly

November 3, 2020


Carmel Mayor Dave Potter got his wish on his birthday, Nov. 3. He came in first place over challenger Judy Refuerzo, with an enormous lead of 1,236 votes, or 74 percent, to Refuerzo's 433 votes at just under 26 percent.


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Carmel Mayor Dave Potter faces challenge from local yoga teacher Judy Refuerzo


October 19, 2020

Carmel Mayor Dave Potter has a challenger this election in former tech worker turned yoga teacher Judy Refuerzo.


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CRA candidate forum focuses on beach fires, village character, public safety, affordable housing

The Carmel Pine Cone

October 9, 2020

All but one candidate for city office gave Cal Am's proposed desal plant a thumbs down at a voter forum held by the Carmel Residents Association Oct. 1, and only the incumbents believe the issue of short-term rentals in the business district has been resolved.


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Monterey County Weekly Endorsement

Monterey County Weekly

October 7, 2020

In a city dependent on tourism, a pandemic could easily be the deadly fever that wipes out any reserves.  Carmel's 2020-21 adopted budget looked grim: transient occupancy tax revenue was expected to be down 34 percent from what was originally budgeted (a loss of over $2 million) and sales and use tax revenue were projected to decline by 18 percent, or nearly $1 million, for this fiscal year.


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The Best Cities in the U.S.: 2020 Readers' Choice Awards

Conde Nast Traveller

October 6, 2020

Voted Number 3: Carmel-by-the-Sea - Imagine the craggy northern California coastline, and the first image that comes to mind may be the arched Bixby Creek Bridge, which connects Carmel-by-the-Sea and Big Sur to the south. A drive along scenic Highway 1 is a must-do when visiting the area, as is putting your feet in the soft white sand of Carmel Beach.


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ELECTION 2020: Fire prevention, finances are top of Carmel candidates’ concerns

Monterey Herald

October 3, 2020

In addition to his current role as Carmel mayor, Potter is on the board of the League of California Cities, and the boards of the Transportation Agency of Monterey County, the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District and the Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority, among others.


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City administrator reminds candidates about rules on campaign signs

The Carmel Pine Cone

October 2, 2020

With so many people running for city council and the school board, campaign signs are popping up all over town.


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First of two voter forums has candidates say what they would do for business

The Carmel Pine Cone

October 2, 2020

Fielding questions primarily focused on business, candidates for mayor and the city council tried to convince voters during a Carmel Chamber of Commerce forum Thursday night they deserve to be elected Nov. 3.


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Removal of dead trees critical to town's safety, candidates say

The Carmel Pine Cone

September 25, 2020

With the worst wildfires in state history causing hundreds of millions of dollars in losses and widespread destruction of natural resources, and displacing thousands of people - including hundreds of victims of recent fires in Upper Carmel Valley, the Salinas Valley and the South Coast - candidates for Carmel mayor and city council acknowledged this week that fire prevention and planning are vitally important.


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Chamber, CRA Candidate Forum

The Carmel Pine Cone

September 18, 2020

Like many other traditions, the decades-old practice of gathering in a large room to question candidates for elected office has been forced into a virtual realm, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic.


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Mayoral, council candidates explain why voters should choose them

The Carmel Pine Cone

August 28, 2020

"Amid wildfires and a pandemic, the top priorities of those running for mayor and two city council seats are pretty clear, focusing on public safety and economic recovery, and while the incumbents argue their experience makes them better choices, candidates seeking their first terms point to their public participation in town and their fresh perspectives."


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Two Carmel City Council incumbents face challengers in the November election.

The Monterey Weekly

August 20, 2020

Potter says he’s worked collaboratively with businesses and residents for the last two years and wants to continue in that vein for another two years.


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City Lags Far Behind Other County Cities On U.S. Census Response

Carmel Pine Cone

August 17, 2020

People in Carmel-by-the-Sea are responding to the U.S. Census at a much lower rate than all other cities and most unincorporated areas in the county, an official said.


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Six qualify for Nov. 3 election for mayor, council

The Carmel Pine Cone

August 14, 2020

A HALF-DOZEN candidates will appear on the Nov. 3 ballot for mayor and two city council members. When the filing period closed Wednesday afternoon, incumbent Mayor Dave Potter and community activities commission- er Judy Refuerzo had qualified for the mayoral race.


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6 U.S. Cities That Are Full of European Charm

Conde Nast Traveler

July 14, 2020

With the coronavirus still impacting much of the world, there’s no doubt that this summer will be a very different one for most of us—especially Americans, who are largely banned from traveling to Europe right now. ​


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'Carmel Shell' mural unveiled to honor village's history as an artists' colony

Monterey County Weekly

June 9, 2020

Over 100 years ago, artists and other creatives were drawn to the tiny town of Carmel-by-the-Sea as a place of rest and inspiration. Back then it was word-of-mouth that spread the village's reputation far and wide.  


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Carmel, Monterey and Pacific Grove proclaim emergencies to protect citizens during COVID-19 outbreak

Monterey County Weekly

March 13, 2020

Less than an hour before President Donald Trump declared a national emergency over the COVID-19 pandemic, the Carmel City Council voted 4-0 on March 13, to approve an emergency proclamation signed the day before by City Administrator Chip Rerig. 


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Monterey, Carmel sales tax measures pass

Monterey Herald

March 4, 2020

Voters in both Monterey and Carmel on election night delivered a resounding victory for those cities’ bottom lines by passing half-cent sales tax increases. Measure C in Carmel and Measure G in Monterey both passed by overwhelming margins. With all precincts reporting, Carmel’s Measure C passed 61% to 39% and Monterey’s Measure G passed 63% to 37%.


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Carmel asking voters to raise sales tax

Monterey Herald

February 6, 2020

Joining Monterey in asking voters to help close budget gaps by increasing sales tax, Carmel is putting its own measure on the March ballot. Measure C proposes to increase sales tax by 0.5 cents, bringing the total to 9.25%. Of that Carmel gets just 2%, or 2.5% if the measure passes. The state receives 6% of the total and Monterey County collects 0.75%.


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Treasured: Carmel Pine Cone Holiday Guide

Carmel Pine Cone

December 13, 2019

Every Christmas, throughout his life, Mayor Dave Potter received an illustrated book by his mother, Ruth, an artist, depicting some part of her life as she remembered it. The books recorded when she met Potter’s father during the World War II, when the newlyweds first took a trip to Europe after the war, the house she had later designed and built, and a lifetime of excursions. 


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One Day, One Place: Carmel-by-the-Sea

San Francisco Chronicle

July 17, 2019

Carmel is one square mile, and once you’ve arrived you can park your car and forget it. The easy-to-navigate town has long attracted artists and authors, and contrary to the ominous vibe infused in “Big Little Lies,” the village has a long history as a religious site and artists’ refuge. 


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The Most Beautiful Seaside Towns In America

Reader's Digest

May 21, 2019

Located on California's Central Coast, Carmel Beach is one of the most picturesque locales in the United States. Walk along the Scenic Bluff Path for views of the rugged coastline and soft white sands of Carmel Beach below. 


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OpenTable Ranks Carmel Among Most Romantic Cities

California City News

February 14, 2019

It’s Valentine’s Day, lovers. And whether you enjoy a big to-do or a low-key celebration, it always helps to know which cities offer the best in romantic fare.


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Carmel Votes for Change in its Government

Carmel Magazine

February 5, 2019

A nature abhors a vacuum, politics doesn’t tolerate scandal for long. After some contentious times, the voters of the City of Carmel spoke loud and clear last November 6, electing former 5th District Monterey County Supervisor Dave Potter to the position of mayor. He garnered 60percent of the 2,008 ballots cast.


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Dynamic Duo

65 Degrees Magazine

February 4, 2019

With the New Year comes new leadership for Carmel. Recently elected mayor Dave Potter and his wife, Janine, found time to chat with 65 Degrees about what they see for the village’s future.


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New Mayor of Carmel credits success to embracing the unexpected

Monterey Herald

January 30, 2019

Dave Potter says he has enjoyed a remarkable life, much of which he owes to accident and advantage. The new Mayor of Carmel-by-the-Sea, who was sworn into service soon after he won the election last November, takes a moment to reflect on his life in the public sector.​


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Carmel Mayor Dave Potter appointed to Water Management District Board

Monterey County Weekly

January 8, 2019

With the recent passage of Measure J, the November ballot initiative that compels the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District to conduct a study as to whether buying out California American Water's local system is feasible, there has perhaps never been so much interest in who sits in the district's board


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Council pledges cooperation as Potter takes office

Carmel Pine Cone

November 30, 2018

In a city hall packed to overflowing, Dave Potter took the oath of office as the city’s new mayor Tuesday afternoon, promising to “fulfill the public’s expectations” and make sure


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Carmel's new mayor puts divisions aside at swearing in ceremony—for now

Monterey County Weekly

November 28, 2018

Everyone inside the Carmel Council Chambers on Tuesday, Nov. 27, played their proper roles as the city said goodbye to former mayor Steve Dallas and Councilmember Carolyn Hardy.


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Potter, Baron to be sworn in Tuesday

Carmel Pine Cone

November 26, 2018

Carmel race for mayor tipping for Potter


November 16, 2018

Potter elected mayor by 2 to 1 margin; Baron and Theis for council

Carmel Pine Cone

November 9, 2018

Despite aggressive campaigning by Mayor Steve Dallas and his fellow incumbents, Carmel voters resoundingly chose Dave Potter as their new mayor and Jeff Baron as their new councilman Tuesday. Potter received almost 60 percent of the vote, and Dallas just 30 percent — practically shouted the electorate’s desire for change in city hall.


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Dave Potter ousts incumbent Carmel Mayor Steve Dallas, who is a no-show on election night

Monterey County Weekly

November 7, 2018

About 30 people gathered just after 8pm inside Carmel City Hall to watch election results, where the mood was jovial as the group chatted. When the first returns appeared on the overhead screen above the City Council dais, jaws dropped and the room fell practically silent....


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Three candidates vie for mayor’s position in Carmel-by-the-Sea


November 3, 2018

CAMPAIGN 2018: Carmel Mayoral race

KION 5/46

October 29, 2018

There are three distinct choices in Carmel this November - An embattled, but experienced incumbent (Mayor Steve Dallas), a political mainstay unseated in 2016 now looking to hop back in (Dave Potter), and an election and city newcomer (Gene Hughes)...


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The Weekly editorial board meets with dozens of candidates so you don’t have to

Monterey County Weekly

October 11, 2018

While “tribalism” is the word of the day in hyper-partisan Washington, D.C., dozens of local candidates and ballot measures transcend party. These candidates, and authors of measures, are your neighbors. The votes you cast in local (nonpartisan) races stand to make a profound and immediate effect on your neighborhood...


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Monterey County Hospitality Association List of Endorsed Candidates


October 10, 2018

As the trade association for the hospitality industry in Monterey County, MCHA believes it is important that we are actively involved in elections and support those candidates, propositions and measures that will have a significant effect on our industry and community. Elected officials shape local policy and adopt regulations which in turn impact, positively or negatively, our businesses, the community and residents. Tax measures impact the cost of doing business.


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Monterey Peninsula Chamber Announced Candidate Endorsements for the November Elections

Monterey Peninsula Chamber

October 10, 2018

Dave Potter, a former Monterey County Supervisor, will be an asset to the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea with his significant public policy experience at the county and city levels of government, bi-partisan endorsement and a consistent record of support for small businesses.


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Candidates weigh in on spending

Carmel Pine Cone

September 27, 2018

The City of Carmel’s budget this year is $25.5 million — much of which goes to salaries, pensions and other benefits for employees, but which also includes sizable amounts for capital projects, legal spending and payments toward debt. Every year, when the budget is adopted, the city council has to decide what items should be increased, and which ones can be cut.


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Mayoral, council candidate identify pressing issues

Carmel Pine Cone

August 31, 2018

Is the single greatest challenge facing the city ensuring solid revenues? A lack of transparency and public trust? Retirement debt? Lack of long-term planning? Or is it development? Three candidates for mayor and three vying for two city council seats in November...


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Mayoral, city council candidates disclose investments, gifts

Carmel Pine Cone

August 24, 2018

The half-dozen residents vying for mayor and city council in November all have some potential conflicts of interest, according to forms they had to file to run for office


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Carmel named California's 'Prettiest Town' by Architectural Digest


August 6, 2018

Carmel's cottages recently caught the eye of international design magazine Architectural Digest, who dubbed the city California's "prettiest town." The cottages are cute, sure, but they're also rich in history


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Donors start to line up as city election season gets underway

Carmel Pine Cone

August 3, 2018

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Two Monterey Peninsula cities may change how they’re governed

Monterey County Weekly

July 19, 2018

Simultaneously, in nearby Pacific Grove – which also elects its mayor like every other Monterey County city except for King City, which uses a rotation system...


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Former Monterey County Supervisor Dave Potter to run for Carmel mayor

Monterey Herald

June 1, 2018

Well-known former Monterey County Supervisor Dave Potter is giving elected office another go, this time in the considerably cozier confines of Carmel.


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Dave Potter running for Carmel Mayor


May 31, 2018

The former Monterey County supervisor will run against current mayor Steve Dallas.


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Former county supervisor Dave Potter is running for Carmel mayor

Monterey County Weekly

May 31, 2018

Dave Potter, a former Monterey County supervisor who lost in his bid for re-election in 2016, is getting back into politics. 


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Paid for and authorized by Dave Potter for Carmel-by-the-Sea Mayor
P.O. Box 4317, Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA 93921   •   •   FPPC ID#1443556

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